How to Cite
Pardo Ballesteros, M. F. (2021). The Martens Clause: an opportunity to protect the environment in armed conflicts. Novum Jus, 15(Especial), 155–180.
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Through the analysis of conventional and customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL), this article shows how its inability to protect the environment in armed  conflicts can be overcome by applying the requirements of public conscience included in the Martens Clause and environmental soft law. To this end, the article begins by examining the origin, scope, and interpretations of the
Martens Clause and the way in which it stands as a source of international law independent of those of Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. IHL instruments and their adequacy in protecting the environment are subsequently analyzed. The paper concludes that the Martens Clause and especially the requirements of public conscience could be used to enforce compliance with the provisions of environmental soft law to guide the conduct of the parties in conflict.



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