How to Cite
Muñoz-Galiano, I. M., Gonzalez García, E., Beas Miranda, M. ., & Cívico Ariza, A. . (2022). The educational role of European national anthems in the development of ethnic nationalism. Novum Jus, 16(1), 157–186.
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National anthems represent a concept, a way of organization, a sense of belonging, a form of perceiving a national identity and culture. A common task of historians and educators is to analyze, interpret, and understand national myths and symbols. The messages of these anthems reach the citizens every time they are sung. The repetition of these symbols, together with flags, is far superior to the use of other national symbols, hence their importance in the development of nationalisms and as a means of education and enculturation. In this sense, the general objective of this work is to study the role of the anthems of European nations, recognized by the UN, in the education of ethnic nationalism. Through a qualitative analysis of fifty anthems in their extended versions, all the terms (466) linked to the thematic axes of ethnic nationalism were selected from the lyrics, and a direct relationship was established between their overall content and nationalism. This nationalist conception is not reflected in every one of the lyrics, but it is reflected in the anthems as a whole; this ethnic nationalism can be belligerent and contravene the exercise of human rights.



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