How to Cite
Barreto Bernal, L. M., Bermúdez Guerrero, J. I., & Barreto, P. C. (2021). Participation and new public management: An analysis at the municipal level Tunja, Duitama and Sogamoso. Novum Jus, 15(Especial), 237–264.
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This article is the result of a research process carried out between researchers from the Antonio Nariño Universities, the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia and the National Open University UNAD, in the project called "Pragmatic evidence of the central elements of New Public Management -NPG in three municipalities of Boyacá: Tunja, Duitama and Sogamoso, period 2012-2015 ”. From a documentary analysis, it was sought to analyze the data obtained around the citizen participation element in the framework of the administrations of the three analyzed municipalities. A conceptual contextualization will be found on NPM and citizen participation as a source of legitimacy; subsequently the presentation of the applied methodology, the results obtained and the conclusions. It was possible to evidence a differentiated use of the spaces for participation and their use for the construction of legitimacy was identified in a predominant way in the first stages of the management cycle.



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