How to Cite
del Valle Calzada, E. (2022). Global land grabbing: An analysis from the perspective of its impact on human rights. Novum Jus, 16(2), 133–154.
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Globalisation has brought with it the emergence of pressing challenges for human rights, which require effective international responses to safeguard and protect them. New actors have emerged as owners of the process, putting business and speculative interests before the well-being of individuals. Among the many challenges that have been raised, the so-called phenomenon of land grabbing stands out. This contribution aims to offer a holistic view of the practices associated with this phenomenon, with special attention to its implications, from the perspective of international human rights law. The paper consists of four sections. First, it reviews the globalization phenomenon, contextualizing its impact on the rural sector, and subsequently proceeds to conceptualize land grabbing. The third section analyzes some of the most serious violations of human rights perpetrated by this activity, mainly located in the Global South. Finally, the article examines in what sense these violations represent a serious challenge to international law and what normative responses are being proposed by international organizations.



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