How to Cite
Ferrari Puerta, A. J. (2021). The Concept of just war throughout the ages. Novum Jus, 15(1), 91–115.
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This article analyzes the evolution of the concept of “just war” throughout the ages. It starts with the study of the notion of just war in Rome, specifically in the work of Cicero. It subsequently delves into the evolution of the concept in the Roman and Medieval Christianism and in the Islamic religion. The article then examines the development of the concept in the Modern Age, carried out by the neo-scholasticists of the School of Salamanca and Hugo Grotius, regarded by many as the first theoretician of the International Law. After that, the article delves into the ideas of the legitimacy of war found in the work of Hegel, and then studies the concept of just war in the light of marxism-leninism, through the works of Marx, Lenin and Mao-Tse-Tung. Regarding the twentieth century, the article sets out the different visions about the war of the great Public Law jurists Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt: the former supported the need to avoid war through Law, while the latter defended its inevitability. Finally, the article analyzes the current regulation of the use of armed force within the framework of the United Nations, and it concludes with a critical appraisal of the issue.



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