How to Cite
ALVARADO SUAREZ, G., & Prado Martínez, E. . G. (2021). From cimarronism to the Colombian constitutional recognition of Afro-ethnic minorities, a look from Taylor and Kymlicka. Novum Jus, 15(1), 191–222.
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This paper aims to analyze whether Afro-Colombian populations achieved full constitutional recognition through processes that have justified and explained the need for a recognition policy. Here the reader will find the historical, philosophical, and legal categories articulated with respect to this minority group. Over time, and thanks to libertarian traditions, these groups have achieved important advances established in the National Constitution of 1991, but not without first having gone through struggles dating back to colonialism and later to the notion of multiculturalism from the 20th century. Therefore, a train with three wagons will be evidenced throughout this paper: (1) a historical narrative about the African diaspora, (2) the impact of the politics of recognition associated with multiculturalism, and (3) ending with the guarantees constitutional principles provide for the Afro-ethnic community. Thus, the reader will find relevant categories, such as the “Black question” in the colonization process in the Americas, the debate regarding recognition and public policy with respect to minorities; and the impact of the recognition policy dictated by the Colombian Constitution.



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