How to Cite
Sandoval Robayo, M. L. (2020). Historical and sociological approaches to The new democratic left in Colombia. Novum Jus, 14(2), 149–169.
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This article presents the economic (indebtedness and crisis) and political (democratizing wave)
background that gave rise to the phenomenon referred to as the “turn to the left” in Latin America
between the late 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century. This article indicates what the left
was and its immediate causes. It also raises what is meant by the new left in the 1990s according to
the theory of the “left turn” from the point of view of Levitsky and Roberts. The article characterizes
the peculiarities of the Colombian left, which distance it from others studied by these authors and
that prevented it from following the same course of the other countries in the region. It analyzes
the background of the successful electoral participation of the Colombian democratic left and its
inability to overcome internal problems, which eventually led it to wasting the opportunity to reach
the presidency of the Republic in 2018.



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