How to Cite
Manzo Ugas, G. A. (2020). Current panorama of presidential reelection : comparative legal analysis aimed at establishing the state of democracy. Novum Jus, 14(1), 215–240.

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This research involved a study of a fundamental aspect of constitutional law: presidential reelection from the point of view of comparative law. The article provides a technical and practical review of this legal institutions, its characteristics and fundamental elements, strengthened by a comparative jurisprudential analysis from diverse constitutional tribunals and high courts in America. The scientific question stems from the current legal situation based on the premises and postulates of the figure of excessive presidentialism, which often resorts to populism and the violation of the separation of powers to continue in the exercise of power. The comparative study of presidential reelection allows one to determine the meaning of each legal order in one of the most relevant aspects and that occupies the greatest space in political science and law: democracy.



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