How to Cite
LLoret, J. S., & Rubinovich, M. (2020). Methodological contribution for a diagnosis of the justice sector : the expert local perception of its democratization. Novum Jus, 14(1), 41–74.

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This work presents the methodology applied and some results of validation of the scientific research regarding the justice administration system of the province of Salta, in the Argentine Republic. With this research, the team elaborated a diagnosis of the perspectives and positions of local lawyers-experts regarding the need and meaning of the eventual reform that they would deem advisable to adopt, in order to promote the just solution of civil, criminal or public interest conflicts.
The methodological task was aimed at understanding the situation, the consensus regarding expected changes and goals of democratization and possible social legitimization, all from the realistic perspective of relevant local decision makers. The evaluation process was based on SWOT matrix in application combined with the "Delphi" method, which included a face-to-face meeting with the persons interviewed, similar to that foreseen in the focus group dynamic, to investigate the regulatory, institutional and educational priority requirements to achieve a democratic development of the resolution of legal conflicts system in the state.



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