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Morales Ferrer, S. (2019). The agrarian cooperative system in Spain : from corporatism to the present. Novum Jus, 13(2), 59–80.
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From the start of agricultural cooperatives in Spain in the nineteenth century, their purpose was to group all Spanish farmers and form an agricultural community; after the arrival of the Second Republic, an attempt was made to give a great democratic boost to cooperatives, as well as to women?s intervention in them, although their legislation was very short-lived. After the Spanish Civil War, the Franco government purged the members of the cooperatives, especially those who aided in these efforts, even social-Catholic cooperatives. The arrival of democracy and the issuance of the Spanish Constitution of December 27, 1978, gave way to the enactment of the Law of Cooperatives of 1999, thus initiating the legal regime of cooperatives in Spain. The Autonomous Communities also issued their own legislations, which promoted effective equality between men and women within the scope of the cooperative system.



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