How to Cite
Fernandes, C. A. G., & de Freitas, R. F. (2018). The path of popular participation for the consolidation of democracy. Novum Jus, 12(2), 41–60.
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Aiming to make a brief analysis of popular participation and the ways to reach its full application, this article presents inquiries and findings about the importance of popular participation to ensure the democratic model. It uses a deductive methodology and a historical-critical analysis to understand the most relevant aspects of the subject. In addition, it illustrates the crisis of representation faced by democracy, with all the difficulties it had to combat in its early years of reestablishment, considering that almost all of the Latin American countries have come out of dictatorial government regimes in recent years. It is this alliance between popular participation and the continuity of democracy, where the first is inherent to the last, that allows building a truly egalitarian society, where citizens can know their rights and duties, as well as enjoy and practice them with responsibility.
For society to reach this level of commitment, citizen education is essential, as well as the training of people to participate actively in debates of ideas and decisions that correspond to their interests and to common interest. In conclusion, it is perceived that one of the founding elements of democracy is popular participation, sovereignty that comes from the people, which, together with the dignity of the human being, is the basis of this governmental regime. Such principles must be protected and applied in order to consolidate democracy.



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