How to Cite
Villamil Soto, S. C. (2016). Integration as a source of conflict : clash between hegemony and cooperation. Novum Jus, 10(2), 77–87.

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Conflict as an expression of social relations has been approached by various authors, since it is an inherent phenomenon in the life of human beings. However, it is not enough to carry out a study of conceptualization, since relations among individuals are constantly evolving and are influenced by different economic, cultural, and technological contexts, among others. The process of globalization experienced since the end of the twentieth century has brought with it new sources of conflict, determined by aspects such as multiculturalism and the internationalization of politics, businesses, and information, in addition to generating the emergence of economic integration processes that demonstrate the existence of hegemonic relations among actors, with a dichotomy between conflict and cooperation.



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