How to Cite
Castro Jaramillo, Ángela M. (2016). Right to privacy on online social networks in Colombia. Novum Jus, 10(1), 113–133.

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The article examines one of the most controversial issues in terms of legal aspects and communication at the beginning of the 21st century: social networks on the Internet, which arose in response to the human need for communication and personal, professional, and sentimental ties. Since there is no direct personal relationship with the person you interact with, there might be room for the violation of fundamental rights related to the person?s conscience. In virtual social networks, it is easy to project a profile that reflects an identity that, in some cases, does not correspond to reality. The virtual interactive environment allows for the person on the other side of the computer to change his or her identity, as it happens with individuals seeking friendship for criminal purposes, and to jeopardize the integrity and honor of individuals. The right to privacy is evidently affected by social networks, either by third parties or by the profile owners themselves who expose their private lives without considering the consequences and social impact, given the rapid dissemination of information allowed by the Internet.



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