How to Cite
Rojas González, G. (2016). Educating in philosophy in order to know how to be in legal reality. Novum Jus, 10(1), 11–29.

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A pedagogy that is not based on a rigorous reflection on what is education in relation to the human being and knowledge will risk missing important methodological and teleological aspects that falsify the ordering of human behavior carried out by teachers, students, and society through acts of reason. Therefore, this article is divided into three sections: the first section examines the first axis of training for lawyers proposed as the foundation of the educational project in the Law Program (PEP) at the Universidad Católica de Colombia, the so-called axis of philosophical training. The second part, in line with the thinking of Aristotle, presents a reflection on Philosophy as a knowledge based on ultimate causes through a specific logical-rational methodology. The third section proposes a teaching method for the education of legal science students.



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