Editorial team functions



Responsible for publishing, directing the activities of the Editorial Board, and officially and legally representing the publication.

Managing editor

In charge of the editorial focus of the journal and the relevance of editorial policies.

  1. Design the general editorial line of the journal
  2. Follow up on trends and changes in the publishing world, both nationally and internationally.
  3. Coordinate assignments for the rest of the editorial staff.
  4. Lead the processes of edition, production, and self-evaluation of the journal in all its phases.
  5. Guarantee and coordinate good editorial practices in the journal.


Executive editor

In charge of executing and supervising the operational processes of the journal, as well as monitoring the schedule and tasks of the journal's work plan.

  1. Propose to the editorial team the annual schedule of activities.
  2. Manage the OJS platform and guarantee its correct operation through continuous monitoring of workflows.
  3. Perform the metadata and traceability review of the workflows on the platform.
  4. Coordinate the strategy and application to indexes and databases. Track the processes of entering new indexes and databases.
  5. Coordinate the meetings of the Novum Jus editorial team.
  6. Coordinate and execute the operational process of the Calls for Papers / calls.
  7. Advance the design and production processes of the journal with the Editorial of the Catholic University, including the workflow related to the style revision.
  8. Publish the journal in OJS.


Academic editor

In charge of the execution and supervision of the processes aimed at guaranteeing the quality, scientific relevance of the journal and academic production.

  1. Propose to the editorial team the annual strategy for achieving scientific quality standards.
  2. Execute the strategy and application to indexes and databases. Track the processes of entering new indexes and databases.
  3. Coordinate the academic activities related to the journal: events and interaction with groups and networks of interest of the journal.
  4. Plan and monitor strategies aimed at improving citation indices and impact factor.
  5. Plan the special issues, define the thematic orientation of the regular issues and maintain contact with the invited editors.
  6. Send to the editorial board the title of the articles and abstracts that have been approved to be sent to peers in each period. Coordinate the annual meeting of the editorial board and send its members information related to special issues, thematic orientation of regular issues and invited editors.
  7. Perform the initial review of the manuscripts that are sent to the journal and assign editors. Send articles in pairs, receive the evaluations, send the corrections that are pertinent to the authors and receive the corrected articles for reference to a style correction.
  8. Coordinate the coverage and invitation strategy of the Calls for Papers.
Sistema OJS 3 - Metabiblioteca |