Frequency of publication

Since 2008, Novum Jus has published two issues a year (January-June and July-December). Each issue is published online at the beginning of each period.

Novum Jus is available through digital (PDF, HTML, E-PUB and / or XML) and printed versions. The production times of our printed version will depend on the schedules established by the editorial of Universidad Católica de Colombia.

The reception-review-acceptance times can take between six and twelve months depending on the editorial flow of each issue and the revision process. Publication-edition times can take 2 to 3 months after the volume in which it will be included is approved and assigned.

To guarantee transparency in the editorial process, authors will be able to enter our editorial management platform at any time with the assigned username and password, and verify the status of the article's revision, edition or publication.

Sistema OJS 3 - Metabiblioteca |