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The relevance of the research is that Ukraine needs eliminating corruption. A large number of measures have already been implemented; however, Ukraine still lags behind other countries concerning corruption indicators. The corruption does not depend on the political or economic regime. This phenomenon can be found in almost any country since the corruption is a general aspect of the exercise of state authority in the form of specific actions of civil servants. Having analyzed corruption in the civil service of Ukraine, it seems necessary to pay attention to the foreign experience in anti-corruption activities. This circumstance is attributed to many reasons. One of the reasons for applying foreign experience is that developed countries have a more advanced system of civil service. Therefore, the article is focused on the analysis of statistical indicators on corruption in different countries. The aim of the study is to analyze the specifics of tackling corruption in various countries. As a result, the dynamics of corruption in Ukraine are studied. In particular, the creation of specialized anti-corruption bodies and their effectiveness are analyzed. Finally, measures have been developed that would have a positive impact on the effective fight against corruption.
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