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Sopilko, I., Filinovych, V. ., Pankova, L. O. ., Obshalov , S. V. ., & Chaplynskyi, K. O. . (2023). Protection of Intellectual Property Rights from Cyber Threats in the Global Information Environment. Novum Jus, 17(1), 237–258.
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The encouragement of creative, scientific, inventive activity and business competition largely depends on the solid protection of intellectual property and related rights on the internet. The problem of such protection lies in the transnational nature of the internet, the absence of a unified centralized management, the difficulty of proving infringements, as well as in the insufficient regulation of this issue. This article analyses the protection of intellectual property rights on the internet in Ukraine, the potential and real threats to them in the cybernetic domain, and the key areas of related activity of state bodies and individuals. The research uses a method of synthesis and analysis, comparative legal analysis, and systemic and formal-logical methods. This article analyses the normative legal documents of Ukraine on intellectual property and rights on the internet, points out their shortcomings, and provides advice on their use. Recommendations are given on how to ensure the protection of intellectual rights through preventive measures and subsequent judicial and extrajudicial proceedings, indicating ways to ensure cybersecurity in relation the intellectual property of individuals.


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