Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments).

  • The submission is in Word format

  • Whenever possible, URLs will be provided for references.

  • The text is single spaced; 12 points of font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places of the text, instead of at the end

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.

  • If submitted to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation should be followed.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines Click here

Submission of Articles

Novum Jus publishes novel articles in the area of political and legal sociology. The authors must adhere strictly to the instructions indicated below.

Dates of receipt of papers: The manuscripts can be submitted at any time of the year and will be selected according to their relevance.

Form of submission: All manuscripts must be sent directly by their authors here
following the instructions given by Open Journal Systems (OJS). Each submissionmust contain, in addition, the publication request, the name of the author(s) and the section of the Journal to which they submit their work.

When submitting an article, the author states that this work is not being submitted simultaneously or after sending it to the consideration of other periodicals. · Knowledge and respect of the norms and editorial policies of Novum Jus. · The assignment to Novum Jus of the publishing rights once the article is approved, the author retains full ownership of the work, responding to the magazine for any infringement of the laws of intellectual or industrial property. Structure and presentation of articles

Structure and presentation of articles

Only unpublished works will be published. The official language of the journal is Spanish, however articles in English and Portuguese will be accepted and will be published in their original languages. The articles must be written on letter-sized pages, leaving a margin of 3 cm. on all edges, with simple line spacing, no space between paragraphs, no indentation on the first line, justified text and Arial or Times New Roman 12 for the text and 10 for the notes. No more than 20% of citations on each article must be from Novum Jus, and at least 50% of citations must belong to scientific articles published on SCOPUS or Web of Science indexed journals.

Co-authorship: Articles with a maximum of 4 authors will be considered. If there are more than 4 authors in an article, the role of each one in the research process must be specified.

About research articles:

Scientific nature: Only original and unpublished articles that are the result of study or research of interest in the field of political and legal sociology, which has concluded or whose progress allows the communication of its results, will be accepted.

If the article deals with a topic already published by the journal, authors should cite these works, both to corroborate and to oppose the scientific results.

Structure and presentation of the articles Title of the article, summary and key words in two languages:

Structure and Expression of Articles

Title: The title should be no more than 15 words. Times New Roman, 12 point, bold, centered, and all in capital letters.

Author(s): Full name of the author or authors (as they should appear in the publication) in Times New Roman, 12 point, bold, centered.

Institutional Affiliation, City And Country: full name of the institution on behalf of which the work is published, city and country location.

Biographical information: Institutional email address, ORCID and SCOPUS ID

Spanish Title: Must be no longer than 12 words and describe the research problem in an attractive manner for the reader

English title: It must be a literal translation of the Spanish title.

Abstract: The summary is written after finishing the paper. It must contain the purpose, the problem, the methods, the results and the conclusion of your work. It contains a paragraph of 300 words or less in which the main aspects of the entire document are highlighted in a prescribed sequence that includes: 1) the general purpose of the study and the research problems it investigated; 2) the basic design of the study; 3) the main findings or trends found as a result of their analysis; and 4) a brief summary of their interpretations and conclusions.

Keywords: Six words that describe the topic and allow the cataloging of the article. It is suggested to use the following thesauri: UNESCO, UNBIS of the UN and IEDCYT of the CSIC).

Article body: Body of the article: written in Times New Roman, size 12 points, space and medium and margins of three centimeters on each edge. Articles may not have a total extension of more than 8000 words, including footnotes, bibliography and appendices where appropriate. The body of the document should contain the following sections: introduction, development, conclusions and bibliography. ? The sections referring to the issue, the method used in the investigation to solve the problem, the results of the application of said method and the scientific discussion based on the results obtained must be expressly distinguished.

References and quotations cited: Quotations may be included in footnotes with references in a bibliography at the end, according to the Chicago standard.

  • When drawings, paintings, photographs, graphics, or tables are used, they must be accompanied by a short text or caption to illustrate or explain the main idea of its content, and its relation to the subject of the article. In the event that these visual aids are taken from a website, a book, magazine, or other documents of relevance and legal or socio-legal interest, reference must be made about it by means of bibliographic quotation, in response to the respect due to copyright.

  • Every work must attach a separate sheet with the summary of the resumé of the author, address and e-mail address, in order to maintain communication with him and to make the corresponding presentation. The written summary should come in the following order: a) name of author, b) professional qualifications, c) graduate degrees, d) books or products or parallel previous article in which production the author has involved, e) name of the research project from which the article emerged, f) name of the group and research to which the project belongs, g) entity or entities that sponsor the project. If the author or authors of the article have some link with the Universidad Católica de Colombia, express mention must be made of it in the abstract, as well as, indicate the institution where he/ she works, academic position and, where applicable, telephone and fax.

Following, the guidelines set by Novum Jus magazine for their publications will be explained. In the following table you will find the correct way to reference the consultation documents (according to the Chicago standard).


Novum Jus Magazine uses the Chicago standard, which is characterized in that all documents are viewed both as a footnote in the References Section at the end of the document. It also uses three models: one for the first time it is mentioned in the document body, another for subsequent times it is mentioned and one for the References Section.


Publication Type


Model for the first quotation


Model for subsequent quotations


Model for References Section



Books with one author, a person or corporate author


First Name Last Name, Title of book in italics (City: Publisher, year), xx. (In all cases, xx refers to the page consulted).

Example: Charles Tilly, From Mobilization to Revolution, 3rd ed. (New York: McGrawHill, 1978), 219.



Author’s last name, Abbreviated Title of book in italics, xx.

Example: Tilly, From

Mobilization to Revolution, 221



Last, First. Book title in italics.

City: Publisher, year.

Example: Tilly, Charles. From Mobilization to

Revolution. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw Hill.








Book with 2-3 authors


Name and Last name of authors, book title in italics (City: Publisher, year), xx

Example: Fabrice E. Lehoucq e Iván Molina, Stuffing the Ballot Box: Fraud, Electoral Reform, and Democratization in Costa Rica, Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics (Nueva York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 195-






Last name of authors, book title abbreviation in italics, xx.

Example:   Lehoucq   y  Molina,

Stuffing the Ballot Box, 197.



Last Name, First Name and Last Name and authors. Book title in italics. City: Publisher, year.

Example: Lehoucq, Fabrice E. e Iván Molina. Stuffing  the  Ballot  Box: Fraud,  Electoral Reform, and Democratization in Costa Rica, Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics. Nueva York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.





Books with more than three authors


Name and Last name of the first author et al., Book title in italics (City: Publisher, year), xx.

Example:  Mark  N.  Franklin  et  al., Electoral  Change:  Responses to Evolving Social  and  Attitudinal  Structures  in Western  Countries  (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 140.




First and last name of first author et al. Abbreviation of book title in italics. Xx.

Example:      Franklin     et     al.,

Electoral Change, 137.


First author et al., Abbreviated Title of book in italics, xx

Ejemplo: Franklin, Mark, Thomas Newman, Taylor  Mackie  y  Henry  Valen.  Electoral Change: Responses to Evolving Social and Attitudinal Structures in Western Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.


Book with editor, compiler or translator


Name and Last name of the editor, translator or compiler, ed., Trans. or comp, Book title in italics (City: Publisher, year), xx.


Last and first name of the editor, translator or compiler, abbreviation of the book title in italics, xx.


Last and first name of the editor, translator or compiler, abbreviation of book title in italics, City, Ed., year.


Book Chapter


Name and Last name of the editor, translator or compiler, ed., Trans. or comp, Book title in italics (City: Publisher, year), xx.

Example: Manuel Rojas Bolaños, “Government - Party Relationships in Costa Rica” in Governments and parties in Latin America : a comparative study, ed. Paula Gomez (Mexico: Cepcom, 2001), 187.


Last and first name of the editor, translator or compiler, abbreviation of the book title in italics, xx.

Example: Rojas Bolaños, “The Relationships”, 198.


First and last name of the author of the book chapter, “Title of the Chapter of the Book” in italics, edited or compiled by First and last name of editor or compiler, xx-xx.

Example: Rojas Bolaños, Manuel. “The Government-Party Relationships in Costa Rica” in Governments in Latin America: A compared study, edited Paula Gómez, 185-237. México: Cepcom, 2001




Journal article online


Name and Last name of author, “Title of article”, Journal Name Volume in italics, no. delivery (year): pages visited, doi: or URL.

Example : Lucan A. Way. “Rapacious individualism and political competition in Ukraine, 1992- 2004”, Communist and Post - Communist Studies 38, No. 2 (June 2005): 191-192, (accessed September 9, 2005).

 Last name of author “Abbreviation of article title”, pages visited.

Example: Way, Rapacious individualism”, 197.

 Name and Last name of author, “Title f article”, Journal Name Volume in italics, no. delivery (year): pages visited, doi: or URL.

Example: Lucan A. Way. “Rapacious individualism and political competition in Ukraine, 1992-2004”, Communist and Post - Communist Studies 38, No. 2 (June 2005): 191-192, (accessed September 9, 2005).





Article Journal


Name and Last name of author, “Title of article”, Journal Name Volume in italics, no. Delivery (Month Year): pages viewed

Example: Gabriel Zaid, “Faith in Progress”, Letras Libres 6 No. 71 (November 2004): 20-21

 Last name of author, “Abbreviation of article title”, pages viewed.

Example: Zaid, “Faith in Progress, 22.


Last and first name of author. “Article title”. Name of the journal in italics, Volume, No. of delivery (year): pages occupied in the journal. 

Example: Gabriel Zaid, “Faith in Progress”, Letras Libres 6 No. 71 (November 2004) : 20-21







Newspaper or popular journal

First and last name of author, “Title of article”, Name of the newspaper or magazine in italics, Section or page. Day month, year, pages viewed. 

Example: Miriam Posada García, “ At risk, the existence of hundreds of travel agents, alert entrepreneurs: The sale of Mexicana and Aeromexico is a new danger for this sector, say”, La Jornada, Section Economy, November 4, 2004, 4E.

Last name of the author, “Abbreviation of the article title”, pages viewed.

Example: Posada García, “At risk”, 4E.

First and last name of author, “Title of article”, Name of the newspaper or magazine in italics, Section or page. , Day month, year.

Example : Miriam Posada García, “ At risk , the existence of hundreds of travel agents, alert entrepreneurs: The sale of Mexicana and Aeromexico is a new danger for this sector, say “, La Jornada, Section Economy, November 4






 Last name, name of the author. “Thesis.” Type work and the degree to which you choose, institution, year.

Example: Gabriel Calderón Sánchez, “The Second World War in Mexico: government policy, public opinion and national Axis “. (Undergraduate thesis, Center for Economic Research and Teaching, 2004), 74-76.

 Last name of author, “Abbreviated Title of the thesis,” xx.

Example: Calderón Sánchez, “The Second World War in Mexico”, 75.

 Last name, name of the author. “Thesis.” Type work and the degree to which you choose, institution, year.

Example: Calderón Sánchez, Gabriel.” The Second World War in Mexico: government policy, public opinion and national Axis”. Undergraduate thesis, Center for Economic Research and Teaching, 2004.







Name and Last name of the author, “Title of paper “(paper presented at the event name, city, day month, year).

Example, “Introduction to Peace Maintenance Negotiations”, origin and first state”, (Presentation made at the Peace Congress, Washington, 13-16, November, 2002).



Last name of the author “Abbreviation title of paper”

Example: Campos, Introduction to Peace Maintenance Negotiations”


Name and Last name of the author, “Title of paper “, paper presented at the event, name, city, day month, year).

Example, “Introduction to Peace Maintenance Negotiations”, origin and first state”, (Presentation made at the Peace Congress, Washington, 13-16, November, 2002).









Web Sites


First and last name, “Title of paper”, http:// (accessed month day year).

Example: Luis Enrique Orosco, “The law of science and technology, a new illusion,” (accessed July 5, 2011).


Last name, “Abbreviated title of the document”.

Example: Orosco, “The law of science and technology.”


Last and first name. “Title of paper”. http:// (accessed month day year).

Example: Orosco, Luis Enrique. “The law of science and technology a new dream.” (accessed July 5, 2011).






Laws and Decrees


Institution Law / Decree, “Whereby xxx”, (City: Middle of publication, month day, year), Article xx.

Example: Congress of the Republic of Colombia, Law 48 of 1993, “By regulating the recruitment and mobilization service” (Bogotá: Official Journal No. 40,777, March 4, 1993), Article 3.




Institution. Law / Decree, Article xx.

Example: Congress of the Republic of Colombia, Law 48 of 1993, Article 3.


Institution. Law / Decree, “Whereby xxx”. City: Middle of publication, month day, year.

Example: Congress of the Republic of Colombia. Act 48 of 1993, “By regulating the recruitment and mobilization service.” Bogota: Official Journal No. 40,777, March 4, 1993






Name of Institution, Judgment # # day of the month of the year, M. P. xxxx.

Example: Constitutional Court, Judgment C-208 of July 5, 2005, M. P. Clara Inés Vargas Hernandez



Institution Document.

Example: Constitutional Court. Judgment C-208


Name of Institution. Judgment # # of month day year. M. P.

Example: Constitutional Court. Judgment C-208 of July 5, 2005. M. P. Clara Inés Vargas Hernandez.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their article meets all the items below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will not be accepted. 1. Publishing application. I submit the aforementioned manuscript, with the purpose that its publication is evaluated by the Editorial Committee of Novum Jus, as well as by the academic peers that the Journal considers. 2. Responsibility for authorship. I certify that I have contributed directly to the intellectual content of this manuscript, to the genesis and analysis of its data, for which I am in a position to make myself publicly responsible for it and I accept that my name appears in the list of authors. 3. Original and unpublished character of the manuscript. The manuscript submitted is original and unpublished and is presented only to Novum Jus, it has not been published previously nor is it being or will be submitted to the consideration of other periodicals while awaiting the decision of the editors of this Journal. Nor is it subject to publication as part of a book or a larger text. 4. Acceptance of editorial standards. I declare the knowledge and respect of the norms and editorial policies of Novum Jus. Consequently, the manuscript was organized according to the "Instructions for authors". 5. Conflict of interest: There is no possible conflict of interest in this manuscript. If it existed, I have declared it on the title page as a footnote. Notice of copyright

Novum Jus maintains a policy of open access to its contents, through Open Journal Systems.

Rights transferred. The author transfers the reproduction rights of his article once its publication is admitted. Consequently, the author authorizes Novum Ju to publish the work, distribute it, sell it, license it and reproduce it throughout the world and all media and formats.  Novum Jus is authorized to publish the work by graphic, magnetic, electronic means and by all other known means or by knowing each other, leaving the publication modality used to its decision. The authorization also includes the ability of Novum Jus to perform derivative works in general - such as abbreviations, summaries or translations for publication - as well as distribute it both in Colombia and abroad.

Other rights transferred. The author also grants the following attributions to Novum Jus: a) Make editorial changes to the article that are necessary to adjust it to the publication standards of the Journal, without modifying the substance, as well as those that establish the bases of bibliographic and indexing data in which the University participates or participates in the future. b) Create or modify summaries or extracts of the article, in Spanish or other languages, and edit and publish them in the manner described in the preceding paragraph. c) Determine the type of printing, format, paper type, binding and other physical characteristics of the manuscript, both physical and electronic or digital media that currently exist or are developed in the future. d) Carry out promotional and publicity activities for the manuscript. e) Use the name of the author for purposes of promoting the manuscript.

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Copyright. The journal guarantees the protection of the moral rights of the author. As a consequence, the author has the right to be identified as such. The author will be entitled to a copy of the magazine and the number of reprints determined by the Editors.

Responsibility of the author. If the author retains full ownership of the manuscript, the liability that may arise from any infringement of the intellectual or industrial property laws related to the content or authorship of the manuscript will be exclusively the responsibility of the author. Consequently, if for any reason or reason, directly or indirectly, the journal Novum Jus, its Director or the Catholic University of Colombia are obliged to pay compensation in virtue of the work of the author, Novum Jus, its Director or the Catholic University of Colombia, will always be able to repeat against the author for the total amount of the compensations and costs, plus the readjustments and interests of the case.

Approximate times for review, acceptance and publication. At Novum Jus Law Journal we strive to maintain a level of transparency and communication throughout the editorial process. We know that the authors wish for their articles to be published as soon as possible. The average time between reception and initial acceptance will be no more than two weeks. The double blind peer review will take an average of two months, in which the journal will keep in constant contact with the authors in order to make the corresponding corrections. If the article is accepted for publication, it will be published in the next issue of the journal, taking into account our publication times and the subject matter of each issue.

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